Giovedì 12 maggio
16.00-17.00: Cerimonia d'apertura
17.00-18.00: Nathalie Tocci: "Future of EU, stategic autonomy, main EU lines after the war"
18.00-19.30: Federica Merenda e Katrin Nyman-Metcalf: “Cybersecurity: a New Era for Human Rights”
Venerdì 13 maggio
Headin1011g 1
10.00-11.00: Nicola Bilotta, Massimo Amato, Erwin Voloder: " Digital Currency: a new geopolitical frontier"
11.00-11.45: Robert Kaplan: "The return of empire and great power competition: USA, Russia and China in the second stage of globalization"
11.45-12.30: Matteo Dian e Simone Dossi: "The return of empire and great power competition: USA, Russia and China in the second stage of globalization "
14.00-17.00: Workshops
17.15-18.00: Giulia Gentile e Kate Vredenburgh: “Ethics of AI”
18.00-19.00: Margaret Myers: "Role of China in Latin America and the Carribean"
Sabato 14 maggio Fabio Vanorio e Francesco Marradi: "The rise of Metaverse and its geopolitical implications"
14.00-16.30: Workshops
17.10-18.00: Antonio Salmeri e Marcello Spagnulo: "Space Race: geopolitical challenges of the 21st century"
18.00-19.30: Caitlin Buchman: “Feminist AI: the gender gap in the era of Data Deluge”
Domenica 15 maggio
11.00-12.00: Elisa Oreglia e Riccardo Nanni: “Digital silk and road”
14.00-17.00: Workshops
17.15-19.15: Career day
19.30-20.00: Cerimonia di chiusura e saluti