Founders and Coordinators
As founders, Francesco and Federico conceived Hikma ex novo and worked very hard not only to carry out their project, but also to design the best path for Hikma’s future generations. They gave the Association a solid structure which is planned to last in the long term. Francesco and Federico worked hardly since February 2019 and, beyond conceiving the guidelines of the Association, they managed to build a wide network with several possible partners, sponsors and guests.
As coordinators during the 2019/2020 academic year, Francesco and Federico have run and oriented the different teams towards a singular and coherent direction: the realization of the principal and essential initiative of the Association, namely Hikma Summit of International Relations. Moreover, by being the main figures within the Association and the coordinators of every aspect of the organization, the two cofounders possess both strong abilities in running an association, as well as the means needed when it comes to intervene in each specific team.

Cofounder | 28-11-1998
Federico Martelli
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (3° year)
Efficiency, strategic ability and organizational capability match with his attitude towards critical and self-critical thinking, making Federico highly able to think both in and outside the box. It is also worthy highlighting that thanks to his predisposition to reflect on the long-term, as well as the short-term, he can be defined as an excellent decision-maker. His determination, which may sometimes seem excessive, and his promptness are the two elements needed to complete his description.

Cofounder | 12-06-1998
Francesco Nobili
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (3° year)
His uncontrollable optimism boosts his magnetic and charismatic personality which knows no surrender. Francesco is characterized by exceptional communication skills and solid determination that allows him to always come up with alternative solutions even in highly critical standoffs.
Durability, perseverance and tirelessness make him an excellent leader.
Speakers Team
Celeste is the head of the Speakers Team and she has been followed by Federico (Hikma’s Coordinator) since the beginning. This team is the Association’s central point, and it managed to organize 10 cultural initiatives, 5 of whom have already been carried out, whilst the other 5 are to be held. Among these initiatives, it is worth mentioning the “Academy of International Politics”: it involved 12 speakers and more than 700 students. The main task of the team is to contact competent speakers and to seek the most interesting topics, in order to realize attractive events for the university community. Event after event, the team has improved to the point of being able to design the very first edition of “Hikma Summit of International Relations”’. During the Summit, the Speakers Team will also be in charge of the reception of the hosts day by day.

Talks Head Coordinator | 11-03-1999
Celeste Luciano
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (2° year)
In a diligent and organized way, Celeste faces the various challenges and unforeseen events that occasionally occur with methodical seriousness and total commitment. The numerous 'Interviews at the fireplace' on the Instagram page of the Association, virtually realized during the quarantine due to the emergency of the Covid-19, are the demonstration of her very high organizational and management skills.
Sponsorships Team
The Sponsorship Team is run by Rocco alongside with the supervision of Francesco (Hikma’s Coordinator), and it clearly represents a vital unit of the organizational structure of the Association. The main task of this team has been to seek partners willing to support the Association. Through a very hard work they managed to get significant partnerships - such as “il Mulino”, “Serinar” and “Punto Europa di Forlì” - and several prestigious patronages, i.e by the European Commission. By facing a very wide range of associative, entrepreneurial and institutional entities, the team managed to collect as about €10.000 - a budget that we consider essential for the realization of the Summit. Furthermore, the team has been able to design a solid network with many private entities, which granted them their support and the opportunity to raise more that € 5.000.

Sponsorship Head Coordinator | 09-06-1999
Rocco Losasso
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (2° anno)
Rocco runs the Team since January 2019. He proved to be an essential element because of his calm intelligence, its ability to always find new ideas and solutions, as well as the specific attention that he devolves in keeping a positive atmosfere into its Team. Surely, Rocco stands out for its creativity, through which he manages to design new and alternative pathways, and the methodical care used to go across these ways.
Comunication Team
The Communication Team is in charge of taking care of the Association’s image through all our virtual platforms - namely the Website, the LinkedIn profile and the Facebook and Instagram pages - as well as by using some more traditional tools, such as flyers and advertising on newspapers. Particularly, by creating some weekly columns and by promoting the various initiatives held by Hikma, the Team has created a community around the Association and its highly efficient in attracting new audience and participants.

Communications Head Coordinator
Benedetta Camerini
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (2° year)
Thanks to her exceptional social and relational skills, Benedetta is able to boost the Team’s spirit and to grant an efficient and harmonious working environment. Even though she does not impose herself, her Team perceives Benedetta as a natural leader as she systematically sets an example of hard working. Overall, her hidden perfectionism results in a positive inclination towards centralization, while always following closely each member of her team.

Communications Deputy Coordinator
Martina Camellini
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (3° year)
Martina is so passionately involved in the project that she dedicates herself to it several times during the day in order to search for a way to concretize the abstract ideas that emerge during the meetings with the members of her Team. Not only she is devoted to carrying out her tasks, but she even comes back on them more and more in other to further enhance her works with her unique original creativity.
Graphics and Design Team
The Graphics and Design Team regularly collaborates with the Communications Team. It is responsible for the graphic realization of the ideas that develop during the meeting. In fact, the Team designed all the social media posts, the flyers, the videos, the logos, et cetera.

Graphics Coordinator | 18-10-1994
Ali Jezzini
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (3° year)
Ali has given his priceless support to the project since the very beginning. When in critical situations, he has helped many
times with his tirelessness and clarity of mind. Ali has been
indispensable for the promotion of all Hikma's events as he has
unique graphic and creative abilities.
Operations Team
The Operations Team is responsible for handling the logistics and operations for the Association. In fact, it takes care of all the Summit’s background activities and so guarantees an efficient and optimal final result. They are responsible for a great variety of tasks, ranging from the set-ups of the conferences to making up agreements with hotels, as well as stands and food trucks. They also oversee whatever concerns the delegates of the Summit, which includes getting in touch with them in the first place, but also ensuring their reception and organizing the rooms and board package to eventually offer them. The Team is also in charge of purchasing merchandise and gadgets.

Operations Head Coordinator | 26-07-1998
Gloria Bolzonello
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (3° year)
With great precision, Gloria is taking care of every logistic and bureaucratic aspect of the Summit. In particular, the Team’s work profited from her seriousness, her punctuality and her ability of rigorously getting the job done.
Press Office Team
The Press Office Team is responsible for Hikma’s newspaper, “The Hikma’s Post”. In their articles, on one hand they focus on the topics regarding the Association’s initiatives, while on the other hand, they analyze a great variety of topics, ranging from International Relations and Geopolitics to Environmental Sociology. The Team also handles the Summit’s relations with the Media, such as newspapers, magazines and social-network pages… Finally, in collaboration with the Communications Team, it is responsible for the planning and making of the interviews with the Association’s guests.

Press Office Head Coordinator | 23-01-1998
Silvia Panini
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (3° year)
Silvia has became part of Hikma only since January 2020. Nonetheless, the Association immediately benefited from her participation and her positive influence. As she is full of ideas, Silvia spontaneously founded Hikma’s Press Office, which she now manages. She is highly motivated and carries out her tasks in an extremely rapid and efficient way.
Accounting Team
The Accounting Team is responsible for the management of the Association's expenses, from planning to reporting. Precisely this means planning the expenses of the events, proposing and making budgets for all expenses. The full transparency and traceability of the financial movements of Hikma, a non-profit organization, is the primary responsibility of this team. The team also reports all expenses to the various donors according to their directives.

Finance Head Coordinator | 27-04-1998
Francesca Borciani
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (3° year)
Francesca believed and supported Hikma from the beginning dedicating time, attention and ideas to the project. She manages Hikma’s finances in a responsible, rigorous and detailed manner, ensuring, with her team, full transparency of the financial activities of the Association.
Social Events Team
The Social Evens Team embodies the goliardic spirit of the Association. Mainly responsible for organizing the three evening embodied in the Summit, this team has distinguished itself by organizing numerous recreational events such as aperitifs, gala dinners, theme parties, as well as theatre and film nights. The role that this team plays within the association is very important because we strongly believe in the idea that every hard effort must be rewarded. Therefore, we think that these events are not only a moment of entertainment for the many members of Hikma, but also the right opportunity to feel rewarded for the great effort that is required from everyone, and without which the association would not be able to give so great results. It is therefore the aim of this team to make sure that these moments are used in an optimal way to consolidate cohesion among the 40 student members of the Association. In conclusion, the numerous events that the Social Events Team organizes are aimed at inviting students from Forli to open up to our extra-academic reality.

Social Events Head Coordinator | 27-05-1998
Francesca Marconi
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs (3° year)
A great imagination accompanied by solid design skills allows Francesca to organize high quality social events. The initiatives of this team are occasions of serenity and genuine joy, but most of all, they represent a perfect occasion to boost cohesion and team spirit both within the 2020 Hikma Team, and between it and the whole students' community. Francesca represents a
priceless resource in this sense.